Janne Mattila

From programmer to programmer -- Programming just for the fun of it

Codecamp 2025 summary

Posted on: January 26, 2025

This post continues the series of posting summary from our Codecamp. See my post from last year to better understand the context.

Another year, another intensive 50+ hour coding session from Thursday to Sunday. Fun, learning, failing, and finding completely new innovative ideas on the fly. That’s what Codecamp is all about.

This year we continued expanding Jarmo’s existing Unity functionality and dynamic crafting of the world using voice commands.

Jarmo posted to LinkedIn when we started the Codecamp.

You can find summary video on Jarmo’s LinkedIn post.

Here’s my hand-drawn specs and actual model that got created side by side:

Together with Jarmo, we measured the physical world and then I drew the specs on paper. Then I started walking around our virtual world and used voice commands to generate items such as walls, doors, and windows. To create a wall next to existing wall, I could just tap the wall and say something like this:

wall 300 to east

The above command would create a wall with length of 300 centimeters towards the east of the wall I tapped. To add a door to the wall, I could say:

door 100

The above command would create a door with of 100 centimeters to the location I just tapped.

Here is a picture of one room:

Late in the Saturday evening, Jarmo came up with an idea to store these voice commands so that we can later re-play them to generate the same world again. Before this we just normal way of storing the world (serialize data classes to JSON). Now creating the world is readable and understandable by just reading the commands. If you want to edit that definition, you can just edit the commands (e.g., door 100 to door 80) and re-run them.

As always, we had a lot of fun at our Codecamp.

I hope you enjoyed reading about our experience!