Janne Mattila

From programmer to programmer -- Programming just for the fun of it

Improving sharing of my code examples

Posted on: August 2, 2023

I’ve had multiple different blogs and websites over the years. Many of them have already disappeared from the internet and not available anymore even from the internet archives (but I managed to find one!).

If you’re interested, then you can check some of my old posts from these sites:

I have always wanted to share my experiences to make someone else’s life a bit more easier.

I haven’t been writing articles for a while, but I have been writing code examples and sharing them in GitHub. You can find my 150+ repositories in GitHub.

I have been thinking that I should start writing articles again, just to be able to share some background information behind the code examples. They don’t necessarily need to be long articles, but just something to give some context for the code examples to make them more easily understandable.

Stay tuned!